Peran Teknologi Ditengah Derasnya Serbuan Informasi dalam Dunia Pendidikan
technology, role, educationAbstract
The development of technology in the current global era cannot be separated from its influence on the world of education. Global demands require the world of education to always adjust technological developments with efforts to improve the quality of education. As time goes by, technology certainly brings changes in its development. This study aims to determine the role of technology in the midst of the rapid rush of information in the world of education. This study uses a qualitative method, namely finding research sources by collecting various sources of literature from various journals, books and other needed sources to make it easier to conduct research on the role of technology amid the swift rush of information in the world of education. The results of this study found that the existence of technology must be interpreted as an effort to increase its effectiveness and efficiency, because global demands in the world of education need to constantly update technology and always adapt to technological developments. Therefore educational technology can be very helpful in providing training for teachers to work professionally and utilizing facilities can also turn a person into an individualist
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