Implementasi TPACK Pada Taman Pendidikan Al-Quran Sebagai Pembaharuan Pendidikan
TPA, TIK, Peningkatan pembelajaranAbstract
The existence of the development of this modern era, the qoranic Education Center (TPA) is still a popular place in various communities. Teaching in this non-formal field is aimed at children aged 7-12 years, where this educational institution is carried out in the community to introduce children to the basics of Islamic religion. In this 21st century learning requires teachers to have creative and innovative teaching skills. One of the learning innovations is using technology. This research aims to describe the definition, show weaknesses and solutions to the learning approach of the Assalam qoranic Education Center which has not used technology in its learning media. The type of research used is a qualitative method with observation and interviews with the principal and educators. Then the results of this study are shown for the Assalam qoranic Education Center which is expected to increase the use of information communication technology (ICT) in order to improve how an educator can apply technology and content simultaneously in learning, and educators can change the way students understand certain materials through technology
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